Weight Gain Nutrition

Gain Muscle Not Fat

Weight Gain Nutrition-

Everyone talks about weight loss, but there is sizeable number of men and women, who look to build in weight at the right places. Genetics and high metabolic rate comes in the way to put on a few kilos. It is important to build this weight correctly as an uncontrolled diet can make you add a lot of ungainly inches around your middle.

You know the basic mantra for weight gain is to consume more calories than you expend. But it may not be as simple as eating anything you want. You don't want to add those calories by choosing unhealthy foods. Also, it always does not results to what you were looking to achieve.

It is not about eating less, but eating right and in the correct quantity that will help you lose weight and keep it off. Losing weight and losing weight in a healthy manner are two very different things. Learning how to lose weight—while eating healthy and avoiding nutritional deficiencies—is key to sustaining good health and even keeping the weight off.

Weight gain is more than just adding the kilos, it needs to be right kind of weight in terms of muscle and not fat. The essence is to make you look and feel better with improving on your health. Holding on to that additional muscle gained is also important as a long term goal.
At Nutritantrums Nutrition, the team of expert nutritionists will design the best suitable nutrition and supplement plan for you that can help achieve the perfect shape you want.


With most women obsessed about losing weight, it is the women trying to gain weight that find themselves the most ignored. Diet!. It is not always about eating anything and everything you want. A structured diet pattern with the right foods to add those extra right kind of calories will work for you.

At Nutritantrums Nutrition, our nutrition experts will guide you on your diet regime. We will also guide you on a nutrition plan that will allow you to eat sensibly and help you reach your goal towards a curvaceous and bodacious you.


You have finally decided to do something the bones that stick out at all odd angles. You are dreaming about bulking up with some handsome muscular weight. You have probably tried everything you think is possible to increase weight but without any success. Binge eating, uncontrolled supplements and gyming is not giving the definition and results that you are looking for. Trying your hand at the million things is only bound to make you more confused.

We at Nutritantrums Nutrition are the solution to your concerns. The team of expert nutritionists will design nutrition and supplement plan that will cater to your needs and help you gain those few kilos of ripping muscles. Incredible hulk!