Nutrition for Brain Health

Food For Your Emotional Well-Being

Brain health is “a state of well-being and in equilibrium in which every individual realizes his/her own potential, can cope with normal stresses of everydaylife, and can work productively and fruitfully”. Positive Brain health enhances social cohesion and social capital, improves peace and stability in the living environment, contributes to economic development in societies, and is a principle of democratic society. Brain health problems occur across all ages, cultures, and populations.

The food we eat is associated with our mood, behaviour, and cognition. Current knowledge connecting nutrition with Brain health is based on a variety of evidence garnered from supporting animal behavioural research, neurochemical experiments in vitro, epidemiological studies and clinical trials.Recent evidence suggests that good nutrition is essential for our Brain health and that a number of Brain health conditions may be influenced by dietary factors.There are already 10 common interrelated frameworks that explain the interactions between the functions of the mind and the food we eat.

Nutrition role is one of the most obvious, yet under-recognised factors in the development of major trends in Brain health. The research and the scale of evidence linking diet and Brain health is growing at a rapid pace. Besides its impact on short and long-term Brain health, evidence indicates that food plays a very important contributing role in the management and prevention of specific Brain health problems such as depression, schizophrenia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and Alzheimer’s disease.Every day, fortunately, the burgeoning field of nutritional psychiatry is finding many consequences and correlations between not only what you eat, how you feel, and how you ultimately behave, but also to the kinds of bacteria that live in your gut.

At Nutritantrums Nutrition, you will find a nutritionist who will not only give you a relevant nutrition plan but will take time understand you situation and goals, connect with your counsellor and work with in all ways to get back on track.